Architecting the Internet of Things

Many of the initial developments towards the Internet of Things have focused on the combination of Auto-ID and networked infrastructures in business-to-business logistics and product lifecycle applications. However, the Internet of Things is more than a business tool for managing business processes more efficiently and more effectively a?? it will also enable a more convenient way of life.Since the term Internet of Things first came to attention when the Auto-ID Center launched their initial vision for the EPC network for automatically identifying and tracing the flow of goods within supply-chains, increasing numbers of researchers and practitioners have further developed this vision. The authors in this book provide a research perspective on current and future developments in the Internet of Things. The different chapters cover a broad range of topics from system design aspects and core architectural approaches to end-user participation, business perspectives and applications.

Наши возможности

Подготовка документов

  • Статьи
  • Оформление грантов
  • Аналитические материалы

Организация мероприятий

  • Публичные лекции
  • Семинары
  • Международные конференции
  • Дискуссионые площадки

Деловые услуги

  • Привлечение финансирования
  • Экспертные заключения
  • Консалтинг
  • Участие в советах директоров, комиссиях
  • Брендирование технических проектов
