Internet of Nano Things (IoNT): Hybrid Bodies, Collective Agents and Entangled Realities

Progress in the field of receiving and transferring of nano-signals via graphene and hybrid nanoantenna and in terahertz band suggests that nanoscale systems and distributed network will become a per of our everyday life in the nearest future, and deployment of these systems inside the human body won’t be considered as a science fiction anymore. However, to be able to interact with these kind of systems, we may need to reconsider our language, together with the way of thinking.

Thus, one of the biggest challenges for scientists today is to find the way to integrate advanced concepts of quantum communication (and namely quantum semiotics, quantum linguistics and quantum semantics) in our professional and everyday vocabulary.  This issue, along with others, will be addressed during the IoNT Day 2017 in Russia, when scientists and experts from different fields will come together to discuss the ways this quantum-communication shift may be accomplished in different industries and areas of life, such as e-health, education, entertainment, industry 4.0, logistics, trade, agriculture and more. 

The following experts are going to speak at the event:

Rob van Kranenburg, Founder, IoT Council (via Skype)

Dr. Denis Andreyuk, Executive Vice-President of Russian Nanotechnological Society, associate Professor of MSU, Economic faculty.
Topic: “Nano electronics, Nanomaterials and Experimental Biomedicine: Progress towards Creation of the Hybrid Bio-Electronic Systems"

Dr. Vladimir Arshinov, Head of Department for Interdisciplinary Problems of the Scientific and Technological Development, Russian Academy of Science
Topic: “Quantum Communication: Network and Systematic Approach

Dr. Vadim Chekletsov, Research Fellow, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Executive Director, Russian Research Center on the Internet of Things.
Topic: “Anthropology of Technologically Enhanced Physicality

Dr. George Prokopchuk, Techno-science Director, Russian Research Center on the Internet of Things
Topic: “Internet of Things: Possible Scenarios” (via Skype)

Наши возможности

Подготовка документов

  • Статьи
  • Оформление грантов
  • Аналитические материалы

Организация мероприятий

  • Публичные лекции
  • Семинары
  • Международные конференции
  • Дискуссионые площадки

Деловые услуги

  • Привлечение финансирования
  • Экспертные заключения
  • Консалтинг
  • Участие в советах директоров, комиссиях
  • Брендирование технических проектов
